Monday, April 18, 2011

Bittersweet Day

I gave my notice today at the library. I am happy and sad at the same time. Sad because I will miss my friends and libraries in general. Happy because I know I am doing the right thing staying home with Adaline. There are so many things I want to do and accomplish in life and being a great mommy is at the top of my list. So with lots of prayer and a heaping dose of faith I am leaping off into the unknown . . .

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Adaline -- Country Girl

Everytime we are out at the house fixing something Adaline has to be outside playing as much as possible. She loves the space so much!

Fruits of Our Labor . . . So Far

Adaline's Room

The Den -- 2 coats later

My awesome stove!!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Play time with Adaline

Whew! Busy Day!

I learned two things today:
  1. A two year old and a puppy whine at the same pitch, lol.
  2. Contact paper hates me.
We couldn't wait yesterday to bask in our new place so we had a celebratory dinner of taco bell in out new dining room. The breeze from outside was so cool and relaxing and it is completely still and dark at night. After diving in and cleaning the kitchen up and hanging some drapes we headed home, relaxed and happy.

Today Adaline and I fought with the contact paper in the kitchen -- the shelves may not look perfect but at this point I am just glad they are covered -- that stuff is sticky!

I got the rest of the drapes up as Marc trimmed trees and helped Jim with the pluming line. Jim made at least three trips to Lowes (20 mins each way) to get everything he needed, poor guy!

Adaline's friend Chloe had her first birthday party today and we enjoyed visiting with our good friends.

We were going to attempt to rough it out there tonight but decided to head down again early in the AM. I am starting to be less overwhelmed with my to-do list since I can actually get things done and cross off tasks. Soon we will be all moved! Yay!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Adaline's little temp tattoo

Marc put a little tattoo on her at El Fenix the other day. I snapped this as she was lounging around. She loved it :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Elbow grease here we come!

Friday we finally get the keys to our new abode :) Apart from the immediate changing of the locks my Dad is coming to repair the electrical wiring since he has a licensed electrician on staff and Jim, my father in law is installing a new plumbing pipe so we have water!

Saturday is going to be a busy day in the King family. In the morning I plan on cleaning the new place from top to bottom (except for the carpet cleaning that we have to schedule) and putting up drapes all over the place. Then it is off to Adaline's first birthday party for her little friend before crashing on the couch at home that evening. Whew! Makes me tired just thinking of all that!

Sunday is painting day and I can't decide if I am going to paint Adaline's room (purple) first or the den (blue). We have another birthday party in the afternoon and then once again I plan on crashing.

After that all we have to do before moving in is to:
  1. Paint and replace a few deck boards
  2. Have the carpets cleaned and the pest control person spray
  3. Replace the carpet in the hall and Den.
  4. Install the A/C that my Dad is getting for the house.
  5. Put up the fence -- Adaline needs a safe place to play and the septic needs to be blocked off.
  6. Paint the master bedroom
  7. Actually move all our stuff for the last time.

I will post before and after pics of the paint transformations!