Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Six month check -up

Whew! Well, desipite the heat this summer just flew by! We have been super busy here on our little acre and a half and I finally have a few minutes at the computer to update folks :)

Adaline has been growing bigger and stronger by the day. She is all into Toy Story and "My Jessie" as she calls her. We still struggle to get her to sleep in her own bed but it is getting better as time goes on in this big new house. She is starting to talk in sentences and ask questions -- even try to sing her favorite songs. I think for halloween she is going to be Jessie -- although for a while it looked like Madeline was a contender as well.

Marc got his Veterans Disability rating in June and we are blessed to now not have to worry about me getting a job for the forseeable future. He is working hard and taking 9 hours of classes at UNT this fall. He has decided he wants to help his fellow vets after college and so is getting a degree specializing in Non-profit management, disability and rehabilitation. I am super proud of him

I have been adjusting to being stay at home mommy -- sometimes it has been really hard (does the cleaning never end???) I struggle at times with feeling unimportant since 2 years olds and husbands don't always say thank you, lol. Although, I have to say this is the healthiest I have felt in years and I am so so happy to be here to see Adaline grow and change. Instead of hearing what cute thing she did that day I actually get to see it. Plus, I have the added peace of knowing this is where God wants me to be at this point in my life.

We finally found a church we like -- Reece Prairie Baptist Church, and I am joining a MOPS group to meet area moms. In the spring I hope to get Adaline in gymnastics or dance -- something outside the house.

Considering we have been in the house 6 months it is amazing what we have accomplished (with some much appreciated help from family and friends at times) Here is a rundown on what we have accomplished:

Adaline's room and Den have been 100% painted
Wood flooring laid in the den -- it looks so nice!!!
The freezer is cleaned and ready for my first marathon cooking day this Saturday
The oil field pipe has been cut, the holes dug and the posts set for the perimeter of the yard and dog run.
Our guest room is decorated and ready for guests
We got new furniture for the front living area
Both the front and back porches have been painted, stained and re-done to be safer and prettier.
The back 3/4 acre has been mowed and the area under our patch of trees cleared out for some shade
Jim got his bus here -- despite several near death experiences and a dead deer along the way.
Most everything is unpacked -- it is just not all organized yet.
We have a new water heater and a/c unit.
The pantry now has shelving!!! I can find our food :)
All the toys have been organized in bins and placed in their homes for the forseeable future.

Since this summer was the hottest one on record (ugh) we did not get as much done outside as we wanted and are actually glad we did nothing to landscape this year. I have plans for crepe myrtles and daffodiles next year along with a veggie garden and hopefully some trees.

Once there is some rain my dad, Jim and Marc -- possibly Uncle Albert too -- are going to get the fence welded. We just cant risk the wildfire danger right now -- we have already been evacuated once.

Currently the big projects up next are the roof, back porch cover, carport and busport. Hopefully soon we will have those completed. We are putting a nice white metal roof on which will hopefully last us a good long while.

After those projects are done then I think our thoughts will turn to getting my 1954 antique stove working along with fixing the wall in the kitchen where the cabinets were erroneously torn out.

My personal projects include spray painting some lamps, closet organization and a fall purge of clothes to good will -- along with getting my kitchen organized completely.

I want to get a new dining table to seat 8 and Adaline needs a twin sized bed and matress, but apart from that we have all the furniture we need.

So as you can see -- we have been busy! We even managed to fit family and friends in desipite my home being kind of a crazy place this summer. Marc and I want our home to be a comfortable place for others to come hang out and relax and I hope we continue to be a welcoming place to all.